Evidence Network

Why Manitoba needs to invest in its children

To thrive economically, Manitoba needs young people. Fortunately, our relatively high birth rate — around 1.93 for every 1000 women — combined with favourable immigration trends means that Manitoba’s population will continue to grow.

Setting the conditions for good long-term health

Last year at a camp in southern New Brunswick I met Evan. Before turning eight, he had bounced from foster home to foster home. He was sent to camp without a bathing suit or sufficient lunch. Regardless, Evan smiled constantly, excelled in school and had a striking sense of compassion. I still think about Evan all the time — what allowed him to thrive in spite of the cards he had been dealt?

How can Canada reduce the number of children in care?

There are approximately 30,000 foster kids in Canada. Manitoba has the highest rates in Canada, with 10,000 kids in care. Canada does not have a national strategy for the provision of child protection services and does not keep reliable national statistics on kids in care, making it difficult to fully grasp the problem, says Dr. […]