By Kathleen O’Grady and Noralou Roos Canada’s healthcare system, Canadian health care, communications, ebook, Health is more than healthcare, Health policy, Health policy journalism, healthcare, social media
An average paper in a peer-reviewed academic journal is read by no more than 10 people, according to Singapore-based academic, Asit Biswas, and Oxford-researcher, Julian Kirchherr, in their controversial commentary, “Prof, no one is reading you,” which went viral last year.
Faire le lien entre la recherche universitaire, le public et les décideurs politiques
Par Kathleen O’Grady et Noralou Roos communications, ebook, journalisme politique de santé, la santé est plus que les soins de santé, média sociaux, politique de santé, soins de santé, soins de santé canadien, Système de santé canadien
Un article publié dans une revue spécialisée évaluée par des pairs est lu, en moyenne, par une dizaine de personnes tout au plus, selon un commentaire controversé intitulé « Prof, no one is reading you (Prof, personne ne vous lit », qui s’est répandu comme une traînée de poudre sur Internet l’année dernière, Ses auteurs, Asit Biswas, universitaire basé à Singapour, et Julian Kirchherr, chercheur à Oxford, citent des statistiques frappantes : jusqu’à 1,5 million articles évalués par des pairs sont publiés chaque année et jusqu’à 82 % d’entre eux ne sont jamais cités ne serait-ce qu’une fois, même par d’autres chercheurs.
By communications, covering health, Health journalism, Health policy, Health policy journalism, journalist, média
On March 8, 2016 experts from the pharmaceutical, government, academic, medical and health care arena will gather at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health for a symposium on Prescription Drug Pricing.
By Kathleen O’Grady autism, Canada’s healthcare system, Canadian health care, communications, families, Health is more than healthcare, healthcare, public healthcare
Over a year ago, I was invited to celebrate World Autism Awareness Day on Parliament Hill. It was attended by a dozen or more Senators from both major parties, political staffers and invited guests mostly from an assortment of autism non-profit organizations. I expected a somewhat predictable ‘feel good’ event about how far we’ve come and how far we have still to go. But an hour later there weren’t many dry eyes in the chamber.
Comparing the performance of health systems around the world just got a little easier
By Kathleen O’Grady Canada’s healthcare system, Canadian health care, communications, Health is more than healthcare, health journal, health journalist, healthcare, International health systems, journalism, public healthcare
One morning, the media headline pronounces Canada’s health system should model that found in the Netherlands; the next week, we should follow Germany’s example, and yet another says Australia is leading the pack. Then there are the inevitable comparisons to the U.S. health system.
By Andre den Exter communications, covering health, Health journalism, Health policy, Health policy journalism, journalist, média
Reproductive Rights, New Reproductive Technologies and the European Fertility Market
Four things everyone should know about autism in Canada
By Kathleen O’Grady autism, Canada’s healthcare system, Canadian health care, communications, families, Health is more than healthcare, healthcare, public healthcare
Canadian governments have done little to address the crisis faced by autism families across the country. This sentiment was true in 2007 when it was put forward in the cross-party Senate report on the state of funding for the treatment of autism in Canada, aptly titled, Pay Now or Pay Later. And until recently, this sentiment could be used to sum up the role of the federal government which has largely left the crisis up to provincial ministries to manage.
Canadians care about healthcare — so why don’t we see more health policy coverage in the news?
By Kathleen O’Grady and Noralou Roos Canada’s healthcare system, Canadian health care, communications, ebook, Health is more than healthcare, Health policy, Health policy journalism, healthcare, social media
For the last thirty years or so, Canadians have repeatedly flagged healthcare as the most important national concern and the issue they want their political leaders to prioritize. Surveys and studies and polls and panels — there have been plenty — all come up with the same finding: Canadians care about healthcare.
By Kathleen O’Grady and Anne Jovanovic autism, Canada’s healthcare system, Canadian health care, communications, families, Health is more than healthcare, healthcare, public healthcare
Every week a new study on autism seems to surface, and too often, there are errors or critical omissions in some of the media coverage on the topic.
By Noralou Roos communications, covering health, Health journalism, Health policy, Health policy journalism, journalist, média
Noralou Roos (Co-founder of presented: Communicating Health Policy Evidence to the Media at “First Do No Harm… Second International Conference on Health Journalism”.