Evidence Network

Most Albertans skip dental visits because the price is too high — and they aren’t alone

Last year, a provincial government report found that dental procedures cost up to 44 per cent more in Alberta than in neighbouring provinces. Does this inflated cost have an impact on dental health? You bet. A staggering 62 per cent of Albertans reported limiting dental visits due to cost concerns. That’s most Albertans skipping basic […]

Notre système de santé néglige la santé buccodentaire des adultes dépendants et les conséquences sont tragiques

Il faut améliorer la prestation des soins d’hygiène dentaire dans les hôpitaux, le secteur des soins à domicile et les services de longue durée Une version de ce commentaire est parue dans Huffington Post Quebec Il y a quelques années, un professeur d’université à la retraite s’est présenté dans mon cabinet. Il était en bonne santé […]

Private dental care fails millions in Ontario

Every three minutes, someone visits an Ontario doctor for oral health issues A version of this commentary appeared in the Waterloo Region Record and the Huffington Post April is oral health month in Canada. Ads remind us to book an appointment with our dentist for a regular dental exam and to get our teeth cleaned by […]

Our health system neglects the oral health of dependent seniors with tragic consequences

Why we need improved oral health in hospital, home care and long-term care services A version of this commentary appeared in the Winnipeg Free Press, the Huffington Post and the Waterloo Region Record Some years ago, a retired university professor visited my dentistry practice. He was fit and had a pleasant smile. He hadn’t seen […]

It’s time to include dental health in the healthcare system

There are many reasons why some Canadians choose not to go to the dentist, but a new report released this week from the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) found that cost is a major factor — and that Canada’s most vulnerable populations have the highest rates of dental decay, pain and disease, but the worst access to this much needed healthcare service.