By Paul Kurdyak and Sanjeev Sockalingam Canada, Canadian health care, Canadian healthcare system, Choosing wisely, dépression, education, Health care costs, health care inequities, health promotion, inefficiency, Mental health, mental health strategy, mental illness, poverty
Our health system often divides mental health from physical health into distinct silos of care and treatment, yet no such mind-body duality exists in actual patients.
By Paul Kurdyak and Sanjeev Sockalingam Canada, Canadian health care, Canadian healthcare system, Choosing wisely, dépression, education, Health care costs, health care inequities, health promotion, inefficiency, Mental health, mental health strategy, mental illness, poverty
In any developed country, politicians and clinicians are struggling to improve quality of care while reducing costs of healthcare systems.
By Paul Kurdyak and Sanjeev Sockalingam accès à un médecin, accès aux soins, Canada, Choisir avec soin, Choosing wisely, coût de la santé, dépression, hospitalisation, maladie mentale, psychiatre, santé mentale, stigmatisation
Tout démontre que l’accessibilité des soins de santé mentale au Canada est médiocre. Parmi les personnes souffrant de dépression, une sur cinq bénéficie de soins adéquats.
By Janet Currie and Mark Stabile Adderall, anxiété, dépression, enfant, hyperactivité, rendement scolaire, Ritalin, THADA, troubles mentaux
Au cours des vingt dernières années, les troubles mentaux ont surpassé les déficiences physiques en tant que principale cause de limitation des activités chez l’enfant. Aujourd’hui, le trouble d’hyperactivité avec déficit de l’attention (THADA) est trois fois plus susceptible que l’asthme de constituer une source d’incapacité de l’enfant, et les cas de THADA chez les enfants d’âge scolaire sont en croissance autant au Canada qu’aux États-Unis.
By Nicole Letourneau and Justin Joschko child development, Child health, Child poverty, childhood, children, cognitive ability, dépression, infant, prenatal stress, toxic stress
Last month, it was reported that an Edmonton woman was badly beaten by her spouse. Though the attack put her in the hospital, the police offered a silver lining by stating that her unborn baby, at least, wasn’t harmed. Sadly, this claim underestimates the profound effect severe stress can have on children’s development in their first years of life, including while they’re still in the womb.
By Victoria Jeffries addiction, anxiety disorder, Canada, dementia, dépression, Mental Health Commission of Canada, mental illness, prévention, schizophrenia, treatments
Mental illness and addictions take a toll that can be measured in human costs, healthcare costs and costs to society. Approximately one in five Canadians experience a mental illness or addiction each year and 50% will experience one in their lifetime.