Evidence Network

Canada Post CEO job comes with significant challenges

Looking for a new job?  Canada Post is looking for a President and Chief Executive Officer. But it’s not a position anyone should consider lightly. The new CEO will face daunting challenges managing Canada Post’s operational, financial and governance deficiencies in this digital age, and will have to do so under close public scrutiny and […]

Safe, secure and affordable housing is a health issue

When you’re feeling unwell, whether from a minor cold or a devastating terminal illness, the feeling of home, the desire for a safe and comfortable place to rest and recuperate, is a universal one. But what if your home itself is a source of stress and illness?

Canada needs to provide an urgent investment in indigenous health

The health of Canada’s indigenous people lags substantially behind other Canadians – and the tragic reality is well documented. Sadly, the data regarding poor health status for indigenous populations shows us this is true across all major illnesses and across all age groups.

From grievance to growth

Moving Manitoba’s Indigenous peoples from the liability to asset column was a topic that consumed some of Manitoba’s most innovative First Nations and mainstream business minds during a two-day ‘design-thinking boot camp’ recently.