Evidence Network

We need a new kind of weather forecast

More regular reporting on extreme weather patterns would help Canadians understand the real threat of climate change   The tornadoes that recently hit the Ottawa area cannot be blamed specifically on global climate change. But they are consistent with the long-predicted pattern of increasingly frequent and severe extreme weather events, highlighted in the most recent […]

Why Manitoba needs to invest in its children

To thrive economically, Manitoba needs young people. Fortunately, our relatively high birth rate — around 1.93 for every 1000 women — combined with favourable immigration trends means that Manitoba’s population will continue to grow.

Pourquoi le Canada fait-il mauvaise figure en matière de santé infantile?

Il y a quelque chose qui cloche au Canada. Un rapport publié par UNICEF en 2014 comparait la santé et le développement des enfants canadiens à ceux de 28 autres pays nantis.

Why does Canada do so poorly on children’s health rankings?

Something is amiss in Canada. A 2014 UNICEF report compared the health and development of children in Canada with 28 other wealthy nations. In spite of being a G8 country, Canada’s children rank number 17th, a status that has not budged in the last 10 years.