Evidence Network

We must do more for seniors coming home from hospital

Despite having diabetes and arthritis, Verne was a thriving independent 72-year old who lived at home with his wife when he had a stroke. He had excellent emergency care in the hospital and began his recovery there.  But he didn’t adjust well after arriving home. He started to show signs of depression and was at […]

Where do Ontario parties stand on drug coverage?

Medication access may help to decide an election for the first time in Canada — it is one of several prominent issues garnering public attention as Ontarians head to the polls June 7th. The Ontario NDP have pledged to publicly fund a short list of prioritymedicinesfor all Ontarians.  The PC party has said little about […]

Rising rates of kidney failure signal need for public health strategy

As many as forty thousand people in Canada are affected by kidney failure — a problem that is increasing across the country, with significant consequences for our health system.