Evidence Network

Let’s not “whitewash” Cindy Gladue’s death

Missing and murdered Indigenous women not on trial   This week, the Supreme Court of Canada heard the most important case in a generation regarding the Canadian legal system’s response to murdered and missing Indigenous women. Thursday’s hearing was the culmination of a case that was set in motion on the morning of June 22, […]

Staggering number of Indigenous people in jail

Not long ago, First Nations people “caught” leaving their reserve would be arrested and thrown in jail. Even more recently, Indigenous children were stolen from their parents by the Canadian government, to attend Residential Schools, in what has been described as cultural genocide. A justice system which targets Indigenous peoples with impunity is nothing new […]

Seeing Red on World AIDS Day

On World AIDS Day, we are seeing red. The red ribbon has long been a potent symbol of HIV/AIDS activism, signifying anger at the bureaucratic red tape that, in the 1980s, delayed release of life-saving treatments to people living with HIV/AIDS. Treatment access and effectiveness have since improved for some living with HIV/AIDS (at least […]

Justice system re-victimizes indigenous women

Originally published in the Winnipeg Free Press on June 8, 2017 Another week. Another investigation into allegations that a sexual assault victim has been treated like a criminal. No doubt this one too will result in solemn mea culpas and a pledge to do better. I can’t be the only one who is fed up with […]