Evidence Network

A global uprising against rape case injustices

Tens of thousands of people marched in Spain in April, protesting for three days over a court’s failure to convict five men of the gang rape of an 18-year-old woman during the Pamplona bull-running festival in 2016. The men had offered to walk the teenager to her car, but instead they took her to the […]

Men’s Sheds help build longer, happier lives

Women get sicker, but men die quicker. It’s an adage that no one seems to question. That there is a gender gap in life expectancy seems to be accepted without wondering why. Why is it that, according to Statistics Canada data, men’s average life expectancy is 4.7 years shorter than women’s? In Manitoba, the difference […]

Les Hommes en action, pour une vie plus longue et plus heureuse

Une version de ce commentaire est parue dans La Presse Les femmes sont plus malades, mais les hommes meurent plus jeunes. Et personne ne semble remettre ce lieu commun en question. Qu’il y ait un écart entre les sexes dans l’espérance de vie semble être accepté sans même qu’on se questionne à ce sujet. Selon les […]