Evidence Network

Turning the sex ed clock back to 1998 puts our youth at risk

LGBTQ youth face additional mental health pressures associated with stigma and discrimination   It’s now widely known that the Ontario Ministry of Education will be reverting to the 2010 sex education curriculum to teach our youth – despite widespread criticism. What’s worse is youth in grades 7 and 8 will actually be taught the 1998 […]

When rights collide

Why were so many of the provincial law societies silent in the face of clear LGBTQ discrimination? In a society that prizes the “rights and freedoms” guaranteed to us by our constitution, sorting through what to do when rights collide can be challenging. This past week, the Supreme Court of Canada dealt with that very […]

Laws can reduce bullying

Transgender youth experience bullying at much higher rates than their peers A version of this commentary appeared in the Montreal Gazette and the Huffington Post and the Vancouver Province Last week during discussion in the Senate about Bill C-16, a Bill designed to protect gender identity and gender expression in the Human Rights Code and […]