Evidence Network

Pharmacists, doctors warning seniors about risk of long-term use of sleeping pills

A version of this commentary appeared in the National Post, Montreal Gazette and Vancouver Sun  Sleep doesn’t come easy as we age. Take Ilsa; she is a 78-year-old recent widow. Since her husband passed away, she has slept poorly. A recent hospitalization and the disorienting bright lights and noises of the inpatient ward made her […]

Les obstétriciens et les gynécologues visent l’élimination des soins inutiles susceptibles de nuire aux patientes et d’imposer des coûts au système de santé

Une version de ce commentaire est parue dans Le Soleil Voici un des faits sans doute des plus surprenants : l’accouchement est la principale cause d’hospitalisation chez les Canadiennes année après année. Plus de 350 000 bébés sont nés dans les hôpitaux canadiens l’an dernier, et l’intervention chirurgicale la plus fréquente dans les hôpitaux est l’accouchement par césarienne : on en […]

Obstetricians and gynecologists target reductions in unnecessary care that may harm patients and cost the health system

A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, Canadian Healthcare Network and the Winnipeg Free Press Here is, perhaps, a surprising fact: Birth is the most common reason that Canadian women are hospitalized each year. There were over 350,000 babies born in hospitals across the country last year. And the most common in-hospital […]

Canadians have more than one million unnecessary medical tests, treatments and procedures every year

How we can improve patient outcomes and stop wasting health care resources in the process A version of this commentary appeared in the CBC News, the Huffington Post and the Victoria Times Colonist Each year, there are at least one million unnecessary tests, treatments and procedures done in Canadian health care settings. This means that […]

How the Ontario government traps those with disabilities into lives of poverty

Restrictions on assets and gifts keep many in a state of deep and profound uncertainty and crisis. A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, the Huffington Post and the Waterloo Region Record In August 2016, Ontario’s Ombudsman released “Nowhere to Turn,” a report outlining multiple systemic failures in provincial supports and services […]

These ten medical expenses could give you a tax break

As Canadians we like to take pride in our publicly funded healthcare system, but the truth is many of us — especially those with or caring for someone with disabilities or chronic conditions — pay out of pocket for a wide range of essential health services.