Evidence Network

Public health ignores men’s suicide

Originally published in the Winnipeg Free Press on April 27, 2017 When there is talk about suicide, most people envision a young person struggling with mental health. While that may be the No. 1 cause of death for people under the age of 20, those most likely to die by suicide are middle-aged men. This […]

Individuals with developmental disabilities are an invisible population in Canada’s mental health system

Almost half of those with developmental disabilities are diagnosed with mental illness or addiction — and they are among the most frequent visitors to emergency departments A version of this commentary appeared in Policy Options, the Vancouver Province and the Winnipeg Free Press With the recent federal commitment to increase mental health funding across Canada, we […]

Medical students lobby Parliament Hill for upstream solutions to the opioid crisis

A call to the emergency room announced that the ambulance was on its way. Joey, a middle-aged oilfield worker, was experiencing a suspected toxic ingestion of the opioid, fentanyl.

Rising rates of kidney failure signal need for public health strategy

As many as forty thousand people in Canada are affected by kidney failure — a problem that is increasing across the country, with significant consequences for our health system.