Par Evelyn L. Forget aide sociale, annulation du pilote de revenu de base, garantie de revenu de base, Garantie de revenu de base de l'Ontario, ontario, Parti progressiste-conservateur de l’Ontario, politique et recherche, politique fondée sur des données probantes, revenu de base universel
Des sujets de recherche piégés entre les élus et les comités d’éthique de la recherche Les appels à l’élaboration de politiques fondées sur des preuves se sont multipliés au cours des dernières décennies. Les défenseurs avancent que l’utilisation systématique des meilleures preuves scientifiques disponibles peut aider à éviter les préjudices et à atteindre les […]
By Evelyn L. Forget basic income guarantee, Evidence-informed policymaking, GBA, guaranteed basic income, Mincome, ontario, Ontario Basic Income Guarantee Experiment, Progressive Conservatives
Research subjects caught between elected politicians and research ethics boards Calls for evidence-informed policymaking have grown louder in recent decades. Advocates argue that the systematic use of the best available scientific evidence can help us avoid harm and achieve social policy goals while avoiding the deliberate manipulation of scientific evidence to achieve political ends. […]
By Tanishq Suryavanshi and Michael K. Parvizian Associated Medical Services, Change Day, Change Day Ontario, compassionate care, front-line workers, Health Canada, Health Quality Ontario, healthcare, healthcare system, improved healthcare, ontario
Why Change Day is a step in the right direction A version of this commentary appeared in Ottawa Life, the Hamilton Spectator and the Waterloo Chronicle Over the past few months, patients and healthcare providers alike have been encouraged to make pledges to improve compassionate quality care in Ontario as part of an inaugural movement […]
By Jacquie Maund and Hazel Stewart Canadian health care, Canadian healthcare system, dental care, Dental health, dentist, emergency room, Health care financing, ontario
Every three minutes, someone visits an Ontario doctor for oral health issues A version of this commentary appeared in the Waterloo Region Record and the Huffington Post April is oral health month in Canada. Ads remind us to book an appointment with our dentist for a regular dental exam and to get our teeth cleaned by […]
By Jacquie Maund and Hazel Stewart Canadian health care, Canadian healthcare system, dental care, Dental health, dentist, emergency room, Health care financing, ontario
The Ontario government’s proposed reform of the provincial health care system is going forward with a glaring omission: primary mouth care.
By Steve Morgan aging population, British-Colombia, drug cost, drug plan, ontario, Pharmaceutical policy, prescription drug, prescription drugs, seniors, subsidy, tax, universal pharmacare
Ontario spends $11-billion per year on prescription drugs. Nearly half of this is spent on medicines used by senior citizens, a group that receives public subsidies for nearly all of their prescription drug costs in Ontario.
By Ryan Meili Andrea Horwath, health care, ontario, politics, Tim Hudak
We often hear that, in Canada, health is a provincial responsibility. This is understood as the provinces having autonomy over, and responsibility for, a large portion of the funding and delivery of health care services. But the influence of provincial policies on health outcomes goes far beyond doctors and hospitals, physiotherapists and pharmacies.
By Robert Brown ontario, pension, retirement, Target benefit pension plan
In a speech in Toronto last week, Kevin Sorensen, Minister of State for Finance, introduced details of a new “hybrid” pension plan proposed for all federal workers and other corporations under federal pension regulation. He referred to these proposed plans as Target Benefit Pension Plans.