After many years of success, is no longer in operation. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the organization over the past decade including our dedicated researchers, newspaper editors, readers and funders. However, now it is time to move onto new ways of looking at knowledge mobilization and policy. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Shannon Sampert at [email protected].
Evidence Network

Notre système de santé néglige la santé buccodentaire des adultes dépendants et les conséquences sont tragiques

Il faut améliorer la prestation des soins d’hygiène dentaire dans les hôpitaux, le secteur des soins à domicile et les services de longue durée Une version de ce commentaire est parue dans Huffington Post Quebec Il y a quelques années, un professeur d’université à la retraite s’est présenté dans mon cabinet. Il était en bonne santé […]

Our health system neglects the oral health of dependent seniors with tragic consequences

Why we need improved oral health in hospital, home care and long-term care services A version of this commentary appeared in the Winnipeg Free Press, the Huffington Post and the Waterloo Region Record Some years ago, a retired university professor visited my dentistry practice. He was fit and had a pleasant smile. He hadn’t seen […]