Evidence Network

Advice for cold and flu season

Cold and flu season for many Canadians means getting ready to have their lives and routines thrown off by painful and annoying symptoms.  This can mean days off work or school dealing with sore throats, nasal congestion and fever. For parents, it can be challenging to try to comfort young kids with fever, coughing or […]

A tsunami of antibiotic resistance is coming—and Canada must take charge

At the beginning of the last century, illnesses due to bacterial infections ranked as the most common cause of death in Canada.  By the latter third of the century, the diagnosis, prevention and management of infectious diseases had advanced dramatically, raising hopes that many of these infections would be consigned to history. The dramatic improvements […]

Antimicrobial resistance is a global threat

It is estimated that around 700,000 deaths occur annually  as a result of infections by resistant bacteria – known as antimicrobial resistance (AMR).  Without effective approaches to combat AMR, it is projected that by the year 2050, the rate could reach as high as 10 million deaths per year. From an economic standpoint, AMR is […]