By Nav Persaud affordable medicines, diabetes, essential medicines, expensive treatments, high blood pressure, inexpensive treatments, medicines, Pharmacare, pharmaceuticals, Prescription drug coverage
Medication access may help to decide an election for the first time in Canada — it is one of several prominent issues garnering public attention as Ontarians head to the polls June 7th. The Ontario NDP have pledged to publicly fund a short list of prioritymedicinesfor all Ontarians. The PC party has said little about […]
By Wendy Levinson and Laurent Marcoux opioid addiction, Opioid crisis, opioid overdose, opioids, pharmaceutical policies in Canada, pharmaceuticals, prescription opioids
As clinicians, we are bound by professionalism and our ethical responsibilities to do no harm and to do what we can to address the pain and suffering of our patients. When powerful pain relieving opioid medications were introduced a few decades ago, they seemed to be a way to do both. We now know that […]
By Nav Persaud affordable drugs, benefits, Canada Health Act, Canada health system, drugs, essential medications, health care benefits, House of Commons, medication plans, medications, Members of Parliament, MPs, Pharmacare, pharmaceuticals, publicly funded medication
The MPs mulling options for publicly funding medications this week will likely take their sweet time. There is no rush for them because they already have the type of publicly funded access to medications that is being contemplated for other Canadians. While approximately three million Canadians do not take medications as directed because of the […]
By Jenna Wong and Robyn Tamblyn drug reactions, drug safety, monitoring of drugs, monitoring of phamaceuticals, patients, Pharmaceutical policy, pharmaceuticals, research, testing
It’s time we stepped up our system of drug surveillance If you take prescription medications, what conditions do you take them for? Are they working for you? Have you experienced any negative side-effects from them? It may surprise you to know that answers to these critical health questions aren’t well documented for most Canadians. Yet […]
By Jenna Wong and Robyn Tamblyn drug reactions, drug safety, monitoring drugs, monitoring of pharmaceuticals, patients, Pharmaceutical policy, pharmaceuticals, research, testing
Interviews with Dr. Robyn Tamblyn and Dr. Jenna Wong Medications can be life-saving. But they are only as good as our knowledge about them. The time is right for a national drug surveillance system to kept better track of our experiences with medications. Jenna Wong recently received her PhD from the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics […]