By Marc-André Gagnon Canada’s healthcare system, Canadian healthcare system, Canadian medicare, cost of drugs, drug cost, Drug coverage, employee benefits, health care spending, national drug plan, Pharmaceutical, Quebec, Quebec healthcare
A version of this commentary appeared in the Ottawa Citizen, Windsor Star and the Huffington Post Ontario has been the site of dueling pharmacare proposals and Canadians are the victors. At the end of April, the opposition NDP promised universal drug coverage for a list of essential medicines. Not to be outdone, the ruling Liberal party […]
By Amélie Quesnel-Vallée and Miles Taylor aging population, Canada, Canada Health Act, Canada healthcare system, care navigators, caregivers, healthcare, palliative care, Quebec
Governments need to start investing in care navigators to ensure equitable access to publicly funded services and supports A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, Huffington Post and Windsor Star It’s a fact: the Canadian population is aging. For the first time in history, Canadians 65 years and over outnumber those 14 […]
L’interminable saga des frais médicaux accessoires au Québec
Par Amélie Quesnel-Vallée assurance-maladie, Assurance-maladie canadien, Canada, frais d’utilisation, frais d’utilisation médicale, Loi canadienne sur la santé, publiquement assuré procédures, Quebec, soins de santé, Système de Santé Canada
Une version de ce commentaire est parue dans Options Politiques et Le Huffington Post Québec Le 26 janvier dernier, le règlement abolissant les frais accessoires est entré en vigueur au Québec, si bien que la province respecte désormais la législation fédérale en la matière. En effet, la Loi canadienne sur la santé stipule que l’argent versé par […]
By Amélie Quesnel-Vallée Canada, Canada Health Act, Canada healthcare system, Canadian medicare, healthcare, medical user fees, medicare, publicly-insured procedures, Quebec, user fees
On January 26, the Quebec regulation abolishing medical user fees came into effect, bringing the province in line with federal legislation outlined in the Canada Health Act (CHA). According to the CHA, the money that flows from Ottawa to the provinces for health services, known as the Canada Health Transfer, is conditional on the provinces […]
How proposed user fees for health services in Quebec threaten the Canadian health system
By Danielle Martin and Ryan Meili Canada, Canada Health Act, Canada healthcare system, Canadian medicare, healthcare, medicare, poverty, Quebec, user fees
With a federal campaign in full force grabbing the majority of the headlines, a significant threat to Canada’s most treasured national program is going largely unnoticed.
Quebec’s outdated drug coverage policies should not be a model for the rest of Canada
By Marc-André Gagnon Canada’s healthcare system, Canadian healthcare system, Canadian medicare, cost of drugs, drug cost, Drug coverage, employee benefits, health care spending, national drug plan, Pharmaceutical, Quebec, Quebec healthcare
In spite of very high expenditures for drug coverage, one in 10 Canadians cannot afford to fill their prescriptions. The current patchwork of public and private plans across the country means that Canadians are covered for their prescription drugs based on where they live or work, rather than on their medical needs.
By Marc-André Gagnon assurance médicament, Commissaire de la santé et au bien-être du Québec, coût des médicaments, facturation des ordonnances, médicament générique, médicaments, ordonnance, pharmacie, Quebec, RAMQ, régime privé, régime public, régime public universel d’assurance-médicaments, substitution générique obligatoire
Pour soigner une laryngite, mon fils s’est fait prescrire un antibiotique. Le prix du produit est normalement 11,85$, auquel il faut ajouter les honoraires professionnels du pharmacien. Mon régime privé d’assurance-médicaments couvre 80% de mes dépenses et je m’attendais donc à payer 4,40$ en coassurance. J’ai toutefois dû payer 47,89$. Bienvenue dans le monde surréaliste de l’assurance-médicaments du Québec!
By Paul Lamarche, Réjean Hébert and François Béland access to health care, administrative expenses, Bill 10, bureaucracy, CISSS, Health care reform, Health costs, Healthcare spending, mergers, Quebec
Bill 10 has as its objective to improve the access and the quality of health and social services in the province of Quebec while diminishing bureaucracy and increasing efficiency. As professors in the Department of Health administration in the School of Public Health at the University of Montreal we seriously question the ability of this reform to achieve this.
By Harvey Max Chochinov and Balfour M. Mount assisted suicide, autonomy, dying in Canada, End of life, euthanasia, Medical Aid in Dying, pain management, palliative care, physician hastened death, Quebec, terminal illness, terminally ill patients, tiredness of life
This week, the Supreme Court of Canada has been hearing an appeal by the BC Civil Liberties Association that could grant terminally ill Canadians the right to assisted suicide. With this impending ruling and the passing of Bill 52 in Quebec (Medical Aid in Dying) and rumblings from parliament of another private members bill on assisted suicide, Canada is at a crossroads.
By Harvey Max Chochinov and Balfour M. Mount aide médicale à mourir, Canada, euthanaise, loi sur l'aide médicale à mourir, mourir à domicile, phase terminale, projet de loi 52, Quebec, soins de fin de vie, soins palliatifs, suicide assisté
Cette semaine, la Cour suprême du Canada a entendu un appel de l’Association pour les libertés civiles de la Colombie-Britannique qui pourrait accorder aux malades canadiens en phase terminale le droit au suicide assisté. Ce jugement, combiné à l’adoption au Québec du projet de loi 52 (loi sur l’aide médicale à mourir) et de rumeurs du dépôt d’un projet de loi sur le suicide assisté, place le Canada à la croisée des chemins.