Evidence Network

Saskatchewan budget misses opportunity on rental housing assistance

In the recent Saskatchewan budget, the Moe government made the surprise announcement that it would slowly phase out a rental housing assistance program known as the Saskatchewan Rental Housing Supplement. Given current rental housing market realities, the government ought to have done the complete opposite and expanded the program. That’s because high vacancy rates create […]

Will climate refugees in Canada finally spur action on climate change?

A young child arrives at the hospital emergency room in respiratory distress, his asthma worsened by smoke exposure. An elder has uncontrolled blood pressure because there wasn’t time to get her medications when the evacuation orders came through.

How a made-in-BC strategy could bring an end to AIDS in Canada

Canadians are rightly proud of the universal coverage provided by our national health care system. Sadly, there are gaps in access with very grave consequences. In regions across the country, care and treatment is failing to reach those living with HIV.