Evidence Network

Why workers over 65 years of age should be entitled to employer health plans too

Imagine having your private health insurance — dental, vision, prescription drug, life, travel and disability coverage — suddenly terminated by your employer at age 65 while you’re still working for them, and just when you may really need it.

Why private health insurance coverage in Canada needs a review

Last week, the media carried a story about a nine-year-old boy in New Brunswick who was denied private health coverage because of his weight (at 5 foot 2 inches and 135 pounds). His family were shocked – as were many reading the story – that a child could be denied private health coverage in Canada.

Pros and cons of an expanded Canada Pension Plan

The Conservative government has announced it would like to have a dialogue with Canadians about a potential expansion of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). While this, in itself, is a purely political action — since it commits the government to nothing — it is worth looking at what the possible outcomes might be.