Evidence Network

Aging out of foster care with no number to call — an interview with Dylan Cohen

Dylan Cohen shares a personal story of life in and out of government care. He is an Indigenous former youth in care and campaigner for Fostering Change in British Columbia and a Contributor with EvidenceNetwork.ca.  Dylan seeks to create opportunities for youth in/from care across the country through advocacy and public policy justice. Interview by […]

It’s time to talk about a “BIG” idea

How a basic income guarantee could improve health A version of this commentary appeared in the Hill Times, Ottawa Life and Huffington Post Across Canada, and around the world, people from all sides of the political spectrum are starting to talk about the BIG idea of a basic income guarantee (BIG), also known as a […]

We are neglecting our responsibility to kids in care

Supporting youth to 25 years of age an essential first step A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, Ottawa Life and the Huffington Post Growing up in government care in Manitoba was difficult. The deep politicization of child welfare didn’t help matters.  Polarized public opinion and a controversy-avoidant government shaped the legislation and policies that […]