Evidence Network

Aging out of foster care with no number to call — an interview with Dylan Cohen

Dylan Cohen shares a personal story of life in and out of government care. He is an Indigenous former youth in care and campaigner for Fostering Change in British Columbia and a Contributor with EvidenceNetwork.ca.  Dylan seeks to create opportunities for youth in/from care across the country through advocacy and public policy justice. Interview by […]

What is EvidenceNetwork.ca?

Dr. Shannon Sampert, Director and Editor-in-Chief of EvidenceNetwork.ca describes the history and mandate of the project and how we work to raise the level of social and public policy evidence in the mainstream media.

The Changing Media Landscape

EvidenceNetwork.ca Media Symposium, Ottawa October 2017 (This video/podcast was extracted from a webinar). Dr. Shannon Sampert, Director of EvidenceNetwork.ca moderates a panel of media experts, including: Jennifer Ditchburn – Policy Options Bob Cox – News Media Canada André Picard – Globe & Mail Hosted by EvidenceNetwork.ca in partnership with the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement. EvidenceNetwork.ca […]

How EvidenceNetwork.ca Works with the Media

(This video/podcast was extracted from a webinar). Dr. Shannon Sampert, Director of EvidenceNetwork.ca on helping academics get their work published in the mainstream media. This was webcast live from the EvidenceNetwork.ca symposium in Ottawa, October 2017, in partnership with the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement. EvidenceNetwork.ca creates original media content on public policy topics for […]

Qu’advient-il de nos fils et de nos filles handicapés lorsque nous mourrons?

Régler le cas du régime enregistré d’épargne-invalidité et corriger l’écart de pauvreté des Canadiens handicapés   Le Régime enregistré d’épargne-invalidité (REEI) du Canada est le premier outil de lutte contre la pauvreté pour les personnes handicapées dans le monde. Cet exemple remarquable de coopération fédérale, provinciale et territoriale, créé en 2008, a permis d’améliorer la […]

Ending Homelessness in Canada

Dr. Jino Distasio of the University of Winnipeg discusses the systemic problems that contribute to homelessness in Canada — and the local and national efforts required to stop the revolving door of homelessness.   Photo Credit: AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

Nous n’avons pas besoin d’une Journée nationale des proches aidants, mais plutôt de soutien et de services de première ligne

Les organismes qui défendent les intérêts des proches aidants se préparent à célébrer une autre journée nationale en l’honneur de ces derniers (le premier mardi d’avril). L’an dernier, le premier ministre Justin Trudeau avait profité de l’occasion pour rendre un hommage officieux, mais public, aux principaux intéressés dans le site de Proches aidants du Canada. […]

“What happens to our sons and daughters with disabilities when we die?”

Fix the RDSP and close the poverty gap of Canadians with disabilities   Canada’s Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is the first poverty-fighting tool for people with disabilities in the world. This remarkable example of federal/provincial/territorial cooperation, which was created in 2008, has already changed the lives of more than 150,000 Canadians with disabilities. Unfortunately, […]

Pourquoi embaucher des consultants pour ” réparer ” notre système de santé mal en point

Le recours à des consultants en gestion pour concevoir des réformes pour les systèmes de santé du Canada a gagné en popularité auprès des gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux depuis les dernières décennies, mais cela n’a pas toujours été profitable. Pourquoi alors continuer à le faire? Dans ma province natale, le Manitoba, le nouveau gouvernement conservateur […]

Why hiring consultants to fix our healthcare system doesn’t work

The use of management consultants to design reforms for Canada’s health systems has become increasingly popular by both provincial and federal governments over the past several decades – but it’s not always been good value for money spent.  So why do we do it? In my home province of Manitoba, the newly installed Conservative government […]

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