Evidence Network

Women feel budget cuts the most

The Pallister government has been steadfast in its austerity drive, a mandate on which it was elected. For many, it has been a welcome reprieve after years of burgeoning NDP deficits and a declining provincial credit rating (which fell again last summer, despite the premier’s best-made plans). But has the Conservatives’ war on debt become […]

Nothing to be smug about in Canada

Originally published in the Winnipeg Free Press on August 17, 2017 Canada has always liked to see itself as slightly better than the United States when it comes to racism. Certainly after this weekend’s violence in Virginia, in which Ku Klux Klan members, neo-Nazis and white nationalists clashed with protesters over the removal of a statue of […]

Time to say no to ‘manels’ of experts

I have to admit, I spent much of Saturday watching on repeat the video clip of federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna in a scrum after meeting with her provincial peers. No, it wasn’t because I was in awe of the Manitoba government’s plans for carbon tax (I’m not), but McKenna’s single-handed slicing and dicing of […]

Men’s Sheds help build longer, happier lives

Women get sicker, but men die quicker. It’s an adage that no one seems to question. That there is a gender gap in life expectancy seems to be accepted without wondering why. Why is it that, according to Statistics Canada data, men’s average life expectancy is 4.7 years shorter than women’s? In Manitoba, the difference […]

Time to bring epilepsy awareness out of the dark ages

A version of this commentary appeared in the Montreal Gazette, Vancouver Sun and the Huffington Post  It is one of the most common brain ailments, affecting over 65 million people globally, and yet it remains shrouded in stigma and ignorance. Epilepsy: A disease that is as old as civilization itself. According to Epilepsy Canada, tablets […]

Epilepsy shouldn’t be a death sentence

On May 1, 2016, Errol Greene died while in the Winnipeg Remand Centre following two epileptic seizures. According to reports, after the 26-year-old man suffered the seizures, he was rushed to the Health Sciences Centre, but he did not survive. His family is now suing the province, and a provincial inquest into his death has […]