Evidence Network


Is Manitoba next for #MeToo revelation?

Scope of sexual-harassment spreads   It’s starting to be counted down in minutes, rather than hours or days. How many minutes since the last revelation of a powerful man being accused of sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual impropriety? The disclosures are shaking halls of power — beginning with the powerful in entertainment, and now, in […]

Time to focus on domestic violence

If 2017 is the year of #MeToo, then could 2018 be the year that we finally tackle the silence surrounding domestic violence and its pervasiveness in society? Could this be the year when domestic violence victims no longer hide in the shadows but instead come forward and demand their tormentors be held responsible: #MeTooDV, perhaps? […]

Time to say no to ‘manels’ of experts

I have to admit, I spent much of Saturday watching on repeat the video clip of federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna in a scrum after meeting with her provincial peers. No, it wasn’t because I was in awe of the Manitoba government’s plans for carbon tax (I’m not), but McKenna’s single-handed slicing and dicing of […]

Trans rights are women’s rights

Transgender women face high rates of physical, sexual and fatal violence A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, the Huffington Post and Our Windsor Earlier this month, Sophie Labelle, a Montreal-based, internationally renowned transgender author and activist was subject to a violent cyber-attack, including death threats and hate speech.  Most chillingly, the attackers […]

Laws can reduce bullying

Transgender youth experience bullying at much higher rates than their peers A version of this commentary appeared in the Montreal Gazette and the Huffington Post and the Vancouver Province Last week during discussion in the Senate about Bill C-16, a Bill designed to protect gender identity and gender expression in the Human Rights Code and […]

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