Evidence Network

A primer on the legal challenge between Cambie Surgeries Corporation (led by Dr. Brian Day) and British Columbia — and how it may affect our healthcare system

“Medicare,” provides public funding for all medically necessary hospital and physician services.

BC doctors’ election represents crossroads for the future of medicine in Canada

Normally provincial medical association elections are not national news. The one vote difference between first and second place in the race for president of the Doctors of BC ­– later declared a tie after a recount – might be enough to grab people’s attention.

Four things you should know about the pending Charter challenge against medicare

A long-running dispute between Dr. Brian Day, the co-owner of Cambie Surgeries Corporation and the British Columbia government may finally be resolved in the BC Supreme Court this year — and the ruling could transform the Canadian health system from coast to coast.

A Supreme Court case that could change the face of the Canadian health care system

The BC Supreme Court will soon be ruling on a constitutional challenge that may very well change the face of health care in Canada.

Court challenges to one-tier medicare

Two court cases with strong implications for the future of the Canadian health care system have been frequently mentioned in the news. Understanding the Chaoulli and Cambie Surgeries cases involves clarifying the difference between public and private health care in Canada.