Evidence Network

Your access to medications should not depend on your job

The MPs mulling options for publicly funding medications this week will likely take their sweet time. There is no rush for them because they already have the type of publicly funded access to medications that is being contemplated for other Canadians. While approximately three million Canadians do not take medications as directed because of the […]

Why is Health Canada aiding private blood firms?

A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, Winnipeg Free Press and the Huffington Post As the snow begins to fall and the mercury begins to drop, Health Canada has found itself in some hot water. The trouble has been years in the making — since at least 2013. That was when Canadian Plasma […]

A primer on the legal challenge between Cambie Surgeries Corporation (led by Dr. Brian Day) and British Columbia — and how it may affect our healthcare system

“Medicare,” provides public funding for all medically necessary hospital and physician services.

Federal Transfer Payments and how they affect healthcare funding in Canada

The Canadian fiscal transfer system is relatively simple and designed to address fiscal imbalances arising from economic differences across provinces and territories that are related to per capita income and natural resource endowments.

The federal government denies the Disability Tax Credit to those who need it – and are eligible by law

This story began when I offered to represent the mother of a three-year-old with PKU, a rare genetic disorder, in a federal tax court. She had never even fought a parking ticket before she went against the federal government. We won. It turns out, evidence matters. But the story doesn’t end there. We went to […]

Putting patients first can save our health system

It’s time to organize care in communities so that patients stay healthier and fewer need expensive hospital treatment It’s no secret: Ontario is getting older. The number of seniors in our province has been steadily increasing and over the next twenty years, will double.  Including factors like increased use of health services and evolving technology, […]

Want an innovative economy? Fund research

A version of this commentary appeared in the Globe & Mail, Huffington Post and the Brandon Sun With Canada’s 150th birthday squarely in the rear-view mirror, we should now look to our future.  Our current government has been staking much on an “innovation economy” — if the regular speeches by various ministries are anything to go […]

Food is not medicine

A version of this commentary appeared in STAT News, the Huffington Post and Ottawa Life  Hippocrates supposedly said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” I disagree. Food is not medicine. I can hear people saying, “But Dylan, you have type 1 diabetes and a PhD in human nutritional sciences. Surely you […]

Why Canada should invest in emergency care for children

Wide variation across the country can be catastrophic and costly A version of this commentary appeared in the Huffington Post, Winnipeg Free Press and Afro News When a child is sick or injured, our health system usually delivers excellent care.  That’s good news.  Yet the adage that “children are not small adults” — and have specific medical […]

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