Evidence Network

Why media need to stick to the evidence when reporting on food studies

We need real solutions to obesity and Type 2 diabetes   Two of the most well-known American food journalists have been telling readers lately that the DASH and Mediterranean diets are not tops for our health. But hang on – the evidence tells a different story. The journalists are Gary Taubes, the author of The […]

Grocery stores and Canadians are bulking up on ultra-processed foods

AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez Far too many products on store shelves are giving us lots of calories but little nutrition A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, Hamilton Spectator and Vancouver Province In the 1960s, the biggest supermarkets only carried 10,000 items or fewer. Big supermarkets today offer almost 40,000 products. To be sure, among […]

Maybe the diet you are on right now is actually a pretty good one

The world has seen a plethora of “experts” providing nutritional advice that sounds definitive and evidence-based.  Many of us have lived through all the recommendations: low fat then high fat; salt is a problem, then salt is no problem; eggs are good, then they are bad; butter is very bad, margarine is good, then butter […]

Food is medicine where malnutrition and frailty are concerned

Malnutrition a common problem for patients entering health care facilities in Canada – costing the system $2 billion annually “You are what you eat,” or so the saying goes.  We use this axiom in our developed country, where obesity is often top of mind, to remind ourselves that overeating will lead to a less healthy […]

Food is not medicine

A version of this commentary appeared in STAT News, the Huffington Post and Ottawa Life  Hippocrates supposedly said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” I disagree. Food is not medicine. I can hear people saying, “But Dylan, you have type 1 diabetes and a PhD in human nutritional sciences. Surely you […]