Evidence Network

Don’t dismiss Healthy Eating Strategy

Proposed new Food Guide and Nutrition Labeling policies are crucial steps in helping Canadians towards better health The long process of updating Canada’s Food Guide and reforms to nutrition labeling will soon become a reality. Collectively called Canada’s Healthy Eating Strategy, the proposals by Health Canada have been open to public consultation — and, unfortunately, industry lobbying. […]

Eat more plants, less meat

Canada’s Food Guide revamp is good for people and the planet   What is a healthy diet? New Year’s diet conversations still abound around water coolers Canada-wide as people debate the various merits and shortcomings of sugar, gluten, meat, dairy, tofu and other edibles.  Scientific articles, shiny celebrities and representatives of various groups who produce, […]

Maybe the diet you are on right now is actually a pretty good one

The world has seen a plethora of “experts” providing nutritional advice that sounds definitive and evidence-based.  Many of us have lived through all the recommendations: low fat then high fat; salt is a problem, then salt is no problem; eggs are good, then they are bad; butter is very bad, margarine is good, then butter […]