By Kathleen O'Grady and Eileen Boriskewich Canadian health care, Canadian researchers, covering health, evidence, evidence-based research, researchers
2015 saw us create a regular podcast series on health policy produced by our media intern and Radio Canada journalist, Melanie-Meloche Holubowski. It’s proven to be popular, along with our less frequently created video content.
By Nanci Armstrong and Kathleen O'Grady Canadian health care, Canadian researchers, covering health, evidence, evidence-based research, researchers
Since 2011, we’ve published well over 500 original op-eds, podcasts, videos and backgrounders on controversial and timely health policy issues in Canada and had them published widely in every major media outlet across the country.
By Nanci Armstrong and Kathleen O'Grady Canadian health care, Canadian researchers, covering health, evidence, evidence-based research, researchers
It was another great year for content produced by Evidence Network experts and authors. We created more than 150 original op-eds, podcasts, videos, posters and backgrounders on a wide range of health policy issues for publication in the mainstream media.
By Tom Perry and Alan Cassels Canada Health Act, Canadian healthcare, Canadian researchers, Cochrane Canada, evidence-based research, health initiatives, politics
Imagine you’re our new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. Despite a grueling election campaign, you’re flush with energy and idealism in a country where “better is always possible.”
By Marc-André Gagnon evidence, evidence-based research, EvidenceNetwork, journalism, journalist, média, posters-french, public debate, researchers, scientists
“Mon rôle en tant que chercheur est non seulement de rapporter les faits, mais aussi d’élever la voix lorsque les décisions politiques ne tiennent pas compte des données probantes.” Marc-André Gagnon est professeur agrégé à la School of Public Policy and Administration de l’Université Carleton. Lisez le commentaire: Des chercheurs canadiens sollicitent de leurs pairs […]
By Mélanie Meloche-Holubowski Canadian health care, Canadian researchers, evidence-based research, Health journalism, Health policy, public engagement
In a time when many government scientists in Canada are being muzzled, talking to the media may be a scary prospect for many researchers. Yet some academics are calling on their peers to have their voices heard in the media and cut through the noise coming from think tanks and lobbyists.