After many years of success, is no longer in operation. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the organization over the past decade including our dedicated researchers, newspaper editors, readers and funders. However, now it is time to move onto new ways of looking at knowledge mobilization and policy. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Shannon Sampert at [email protected].
Evidence Network

See our 10 Most Popular Videos and Podcasts from our YouTube Channel

2015 saw us create a regular podcast series on health policy produced by our media intern and Radio Canada journalist, Melanie-Meloche Holubowski. It’s proven to be popular, along with our less frequently created video content.

Most popular health policy content on, 2011-2015

Since 2011, we’ve published well over 500 original op-eds, podcasts, videos and backgrounders on controversial and timely health policy issues in Canada and had them published widely in every major media outlet across the country.

Check out the most popular articles on the site from 2015

It was another great year for content produced by Evidence Network experts and authors. We created more than 150 original op-eds, podcasts, videos, posters and backgrounders on a wide range of health policy issues for publication in the mainstream media.

Dear Health Minister — please reinstate funding for Cochrane Canada

Imagine you’re our new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. Despite a grueling election campaign, you’re flush with energy and idealism in a country where “better is always possible.”

Mon rôle en tant que chercheur est non seulement de rapporter les faits, mais aussi d’élever la voix

“Mon rôle en tant que chercheur est non seulement de rapporter les faits, mais aussi d’élever la voix lorsque les décisions politiques ne tiennent pas compte des données probantes.” Marc-André Gagnon est professeur agrégé à la School of Public Policy and Administration de l’Université Carleton.   Lisez le commentaire: Des chercheurs canadiens sollicitent de leurs pairs […]