Evidence Network

Managing Healthcare: Why Brains and Money Aren’t Enough

Canada’s healthcare system has brains and money, but it’s still not performing well. Find out how a new generation of Canadian academics can use management skills to improve health outcomes across the country. Adalsteinn Brown is an expert advisor with EvidenceNetwork.ca, the Director of the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation and the Dalla Lana Chair […]

How improving healthcare for the frail elderly can also cut costs

Medical frailty already affects over one million Canadians.  It can be expensive and upsetting for frail people and their loved ones. Dr. John Muscedere explains how Canada’s healthcare system can better support frail people, who are typically elderly and more vulnerable. Find out how better healthcare for people who are medically frail also improves care for people who are younger and have more […]

La fragilité et le nouvel âgisme

Une version de ce commentaire est parue dans Options Politiques  La médecine devrait‑elle faire de l’âgisme? Une jeune interne m’a récemment dit que oui. Elle invoquait pour argument que le système de santé est engorgé. « Nous ne pouvons pas tout faire pour tout le monde, alors pourquoi investir de l’argent dans les personnes âgées, qui ont […]

Pourquoi la fragilisation est un enjeu important

Répondre aux besoins particuliers des Canadiens âgés et fragilisés améliorerait les résultats en santé ainsi que la qualité de vie des patients, tout en réduisant les coûts Une version de ce commentaire est parue dans IRIS et Le Huffington Post Québec  Lorsqu’un patient âgé connaît un état de crise lié à sa santé au Canada, notre […]

People need less money to live as they get older? If only.

Last week the C.D. Howe Institute released a short study just in time for the finance ministers’ meeting — rolling out the tired, old argument that as people age, they do not need as much money to live as when they were younger. If only retirement were so easy.

Government on right track with Target Benefit Pension Plans

In a speech in Toronto last week, Kevin Sorensen, Minister of State for Finance, introduced details of a new “hybrid” pension plan proposed for all federal workers and other corporations under federal pension regulation. He referred to these proposed plans as Target Benefit Pension Plans.