After many years of success, is no longer in operation. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the organization over the past decade including our dedicated researchers, newspaper editors, readers and funders. However, now it is time to move onto new ways of looking at knowledge mobilization and policy. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Shannon Sampert at

Behaviour change is only one aim of carbon taxes

Kickstarting the renewable energy economy comes first A version of this commentary appeared in the Winnipeg Free Press, Vancouver Province and the Waterloo Region Record Pricing carbon is about much more than getting people to drive less. It is also about generating the money we need to accelerate the process of getting our economy off fossil […]

Notre responsabilité envers les enfants pris en charge, ne la négligeons pas!

Une première étape essentielle : soutenir les jeunes jusqu’à l’âge de 25 ans Une version de ce commentaire est parue dans Le Huffington Post Québec et Le Soleil Grandir sous la tutelle du gouvernement manitobain a été difficile. La forte politisation de la protection de l’enfance n’a pas aidé les choses. Entre une opinion publique polarisée et un gouvernement voulant éviter la […]

Enjeux des appels d’offres pour les médicaments génériques

Une version de ce commentaire est apparu dans Le Devoir Professeur agrégé à l’École d’administration et de politique publique de l’Université Carleton à Ottawa Le ministre de la santé du Québec Gaétan Barrette menace de recourir à des appels d’offres pour les médicaments génériques afin d’obliger les fabricants à baisser leurs prix. Le régime public […]

Food is not medicine

A version of this commentary appeared in STAT News, the Huffington Post and Ottawa Life  Hippocrates supposedly said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” I disagree. Food is not medicine. I can hear people saying, “But Dylan, you have type 1 diabetes and a PhD in human nutritional sciences. Surely you […]

It’s time to tear down the “welfare wall” for persons with disabilities

A federal disability benefit could be modelled on the GIS for seniors A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, the Winnipeg Free Press and the Huffington Post The talk of walls between nations garners significant attention. There is virtually no discussion, by contrast, of the walls that exist within nations.  In Canada, […]

It’s time to expand assisted-dying legislation to include advance directives for dementia

A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, the Vancouver Province and the Huffington Post The assisted-dying bill (Bill C-14) was passed in Canada almost a year ago, but not without its detractors — on both sides of the issue. Opponents of the bill were concerned that vulnerable populations, such as those with disabilities […]

Winners and losers in the changing world of the Canada Health Transfer

A version of this commentary appeared in the Hill Times, Huffington Post, and the Canadian Healthcare Network   The last few years have seen some dramatic changes to the Canada Health Transfer (CHT), which in 2017-18 will total $37.150 billion — no small figure. The Harper era saw the move to a full per capita funding formula without […]

It’s time to talk about a “BIG” idea

How a basic income guarantee could improve health A version of this commentary appeared in the Hill Times, Ottawa Life and Huffington Post Across Canada, and around the world, people from all sides of the political spectrum are starting to talk about the BIG idea of a basic income guarantee (BIG), also known as a […]