After many years of success, is no longer in operation. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the organization over the past decade including our dedicated researchers, newspaper editors, readers and funders. However, now it is time to move onto new ways of looking at knowledge mobilization and policy. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Shannon Sampert at

Les défaillances de Santé Canada en matière de publicité pharmaceutique

Même s’il est généralement interdit, pour des raisons de santé publique, d’en faire la promotion auprès de la population, un assouplissement de la politique administrative permet depuis la fin de l’année 2000 la diffusion de deux genres d’annonces de médicaments.

Le Canada néglige les personnes souffrant de maladie mentale

Tout démontre que l’accessibilité des soins de santé mentale au Canada est médiocre. Parmi les personnes souffrant de dépression, une sur cinq bénéficie de soins adéquats.

Les hôpitaux américains surclassés par les hôpitaux canadiens

In many countries, bereaved families get condolence cards and flowers. In the U.S., the survivors are also deluged with hospital bills and insurance paperwork. That paperwork isn’t merely an insult. It costs U.S. society a fortune.

Backgrounder: Improving nutritional information on food labels to help consumers make healthier choices

Data indicate several problems related to the dietary habits of Canadians; Canadians are over-consuming snacks, fats and foods not belonging to the basic food groups.

Il ne faut pas confondre le baby-boom canadien et celui des États-Unis

En tant que démographe à la retraite, je suis fatigué de lire dans la presse canadienne d’innombrables articles sur le baby-boom qui ne citent que des sources américaines ou qui supposent à tort que le phénomène fut en tous points semblable des deux côtés de la frontière

Why does Canada do so poorly on children’s health rankings?

Something is amiss in Canada. A 2014 UNICEF report compared the health and development of children in Canada with 28 other wealthy nations. In spite of being a G8 country, Canada’s children rank number 17th, a status that has not budged in the last 10 years.

Blaming diabetes on poor eating habits has delayed real action

Journalist H.L. Mencken wrote that “for every complex problem there is a solution that is clear, simple and wrong.” That observation aptly describes a prevailing attitude toward type 2 diabetes, which characterizes diabetes as a problem that could clearly be fixed if people would simply move more and eat less.

Why one of Canada’s big banks is calling for greater income equality

A moneylender sees the light, discovering a spirit of giving and generosity. It’s a classic Christmas tale of redemption — and redistribution — but this year the convert in question appears to be one of Canada’s biggest banks.

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